Welcome to the 2024 - 2025 School Year

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We are looking forward to seeing your child at École OLPH for the 2024 - 2025 school year.

To ease your family’s return back to school in the fall, we will again be doing a staggered entry. Above you'll find the dates for staggered entry at each grade level.

Here is some additional information for you to ease your child’s transition back to school:

  • Students will find their homeroom teacher’s name posted on the classroom doors the first day back.
  • Students’ option selections will be shared with students during their first week of school (grade 5/6 options run on Thursday and grade 7/8 options run Mon/Wed (En only)/Fri).
  • Should you child be in a specialty program (Performing Arts or Sport for Life) you should have already received confirmation from the school. If you believe you registered your child for one of our specialty programs and have not received a confirmation email from the school, please contact the office.
  • Bell Schedule (click here)
  • Student Drop Off/Pick Up:
    • The doors open at 8:35 each morning.
    • Students are expected to wait outside until then (weather permitting).
    • We ask that parents/guardians remain outside of the school when dropping off their children.
  • Map of the School (click here
    • To support traffic flow and reduce congestion, grade 5/6 students enter through the library doors and grade 7/8 students enter through the gym doors (see map). 
    • Students are expected to use this entrance when they come to school, for recess, and at the end of the day.
    • On a typical day, when students arrive at the school they remove their outdoor boots/shoes and head straight to their homeroom class.
    • Your child's teacher will show them where they can put their boots and winter coat when they arrive for their first day of school
  • Supplies - Please come to school with:
    • your regular school supplies,
    • indoor shoes (athletic non-marking running shoes),
    • a water bottle, and
    • an identified personal electronic device (such as a Chromebook).

Again, we look forward to seeing your child in the fall!