French Immersion

What is Immersion?

French Immersion is a program of studies in which French is the language of instruction for a significant part of the school day.  All core subjects are taught in French (except the formal study of English).  The objective of the program is full mastery of the English language, functional fluency in French, as well as an understanding and appreciation of the French culture. We believe that a high level of immersion is the best way to give our students the best possible French language exposure! 

Benefits of Learning French

Learning French offers students significant linguistic, academic, and cognitive benefits. It opens doors to knowledge, communication, culture, and travel, and gives graduates an edge in the global job market. It also provides the following benefits:

  • strengthens English literacy skills
  • develops listening and learning skills
  • enhances problem-solving abilities
  • increases cognitive abilities, making the student a more flexible and creative thinker
  • provides graduates with more choices for advanced education and career options
  • gives graduates a competitive edge in the job market anywhere in Canada and in many other countries
  • broadens students' cultural life through access to literature, art, music and theatre in another language
  • helps students to better understand the history, development and government of their country
  • offers a gateway to national and international opportunities
  • increases a student's feeling of self-esteem and pride
  • makes learning a third or fourth language much easier

To learn more about our French Immersion programs in Elk Island Catholic Schools click here