Sacramental Preparation

Sacramental Preparation

  • First Communion- First Reconciliation and First Holy Communion are usually offered when a child is in grade 2 or older. First Communion means that this will be the first time that a child is participating “fully” in the Mass by receiving the Eucharist. Just like we begin every Mass by praying the Penitential (Act of Contrition) to prepare our hearts to receive Jesus in the Eucharist, First Reconciliation must be completed prior to First Holy Communion.


  • Confirmation - Confirmation is usually celebrated when a child is in Grade 6 or older.  Through this sacrament, God pours out the Holy Spirit to strengthen us with His gifts and anoints us to be more like Christ.


  • Reconciliation - OLPH parish offers sacramental preparation, to support and encourage parents in their role as the first teachers and models of the faith. This includes classes for Parents and Children to attend together at the church as well as scheduling dedicated study time together at home, prior to reception of the Sacraments.


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